Due today in 7 hours…… please read first …. 2 pages

this assignment is due in 7 hours…… must have done in 7 hours…… 

Do the following and you may use attachment for some information

Philosophy Statement

A philosophy statement describes what you believe to be true about young children, how they learn best, teaching methods, curriculum, what is the teachers role, etc. Philosophy statements are helpful when looking for a position in a childrens center to give the director more information about who you are and how you perceive early childhood education. Since early childhood programs have specific program philosophies, the director would want to be sure that you would be a good fit in their center. Therefore, write this as if you were going to include it with a resume to a potential new employer.

For this assignment, you will write your own philosophy statement.  Your paper should be around two pages in length- double spaced.  In your paper, need to include the following (make sure you address the entire question):

How do young children learn best? Describe.

What is the teachers role in childrens growth and development? (include physical, cognitive, social, emotional development)

What theories influence your opinions? How?

Is there a type of early childhood program you might be more drawn to work in? Why?


My Philosophy Statement

I believe that young childhood is a time when… Children learn best through.. In a 

preschool center, the best way to facilitate this is by..

My role as a teacher in an early childhood classroom would be . I believe this because I have 

examined the theories of . which says..I believe 

this has merit because. I believe my teaching philosophy reflects the type of 

program philosophies of these types of centers.. because….

This is just one way you could set up your paper. Make sure to spell check and grammar check your paper.