

All written responses to the questions should be an essay of three or more full pages, PLUS the Works Cited page (4 minimum). This is a minimum. If you have more, that’s fine. 


  1. All power point or creative options should be at least eight (8) slides long (again, a minimum – more is fine), NOT including the title slide or Works Cited slide so 10 total minimum.  
  2. Power Point is a visual medium, so you must include illustrations and cite them on the slides. Instructions for citing illustrations are in College Help .  If you fail to correctly cite illustrations, this is plagiarism.
  3. Because this is an upper level literature class, and it has prerequisites of composition courses ENG111 and ENG112, it is expected that you are familiar with MLA formatting and citation and you are expected to use it

Nikolai Gogol, The Overcoat Select ONE:

  1. What is the relationship between realism and fantasy in The Overcoat? Compare this combination to the Magical Realism of Gabriel Garca Mrquezs A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings.
  2. Compare this story to Maupassants The Necklace. Both stories revolve around a piece of apparel and in both stories the lives of the protagonists change after they attend a party and lose (or relinquish) their prized possession. How are the overall themes of the stories similar or different?
  3. Compare Akaky to another famous copyist: Bartleby. How is Herman Melvilles Bartleby, the Scrivener influenced by Gogols story?