Malnutrition in the Older Adult

Assignment Objective:
To demonstrate knowledge and understanding of screening tools and interventions which nurses can utilize to identify malnutrition in older adults and minimize the risk of malnutrition in older adults.  This assignment is designed to prepare you for the actual nutritional screening and interview you will complete in Week 5 (Module 5) with an older adult of your choice (60 or older).

Assignment Overview:
Required Reading:  Read the article titled, Malnutrition in Older Adults.
Malnutrition in Older Adults .pdf
You will also utilize the UHV Library to identify additional, recent evidence-based practice in the area of malnutrition in community-dwelling older adults.
Write a 3-4 page (not including reference page) written summary in order to address the areas outlined below.
Title Page:
Set up Your Title Page in APA Format.  See the assignment rubric.
Introduction (Level 1 Heading)
The introduction section for your paper contains a statement or statements about the overall topic. It lets your reader know reader know what your paper is going to address.
Level 1 Heading.  Do not type “Introduction” as a heading. Instead, type the exact title you have chosen for your paper.  This is the same title from your title page.  See APA manual.
Briefly define or identify malnutrition in older adults in the community setting.  Pretend your reader is not familiar with the topic.
State what the reader can expect in the paper.  For example, what are the main points you are going to address and in what order will they appear?
1-2 paragraphs
Background (Level 1 Heading)
Level 1 Heading
Describe the extent of the problem (malnutrition in older adults in community setting).  This is designed to capture your reader’s attention.  For example, how bad is it?
What is the importance of proper nutritional assessments and interventions to optimize a quality of life for older adults
Include statistic(s) involving malnutrition in older adults, supported by the evidence. State the setting and population on which you are focusing.
Maintain academic voice. Avoid use of personal pronouns (I, you, we).
1-2 paragraphs 
Factors Affecting Nutritional Status of Older Adults (Level 1 Heading)
Level 2 Headings:
Physical changes
Social Determinants (Economic and Social)
Food Choices
Older Adult Nutritional Status Screening Tools (Level 1 Heading)
Level 2 Headings (Briefly describe the following three nutritional screening tools):

Mini Nutritional Assessment-Short Form (MNA-SF)
Malnutrition Screening Tool (MST), and
Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST)
Nursing Interventions (Level 1 Heading)
Discuss a minimum of two important, recent, evidence-based nursing interventions to prevent and address malnutrition in older adults in community-based settings
Conclusion (Level 1 Heading)
1 summary paragraph
Include your reference page(s).
Add in any additional references you used to prepare this part of the paper in addition to the required article reading
Reminder that every citation in your text has to also be included on the reference page.

Minimum of three references

Final Notes:
Follow the assignment rubric.
Ensure that the paper is following the assignment guidelines for APA 7th Edition.
Submit to the final to the final Assignment link as well as submit to the final Turnitin for the Originality Report.
Use the revision Turnitin link as many times as you need to revise your assignment.