Keeping the ethical framework (that you identified in the previous assignment – Assignment 1 (A1)) in mind:
Read the two short articles below and answer the questions following each article link.

Should you have any trouble with the hyperlinks, try this process to find the articles for review:
Visit the website for the Markkula Center for Ethics:
Select “Ethics Cases” from the menu bar on the left.

A. Privacy, Technology and School Shootings A Case Study in Online Privacy

1.    Are there some rights that come into conflict in this context? If so, what are they? What is the appropriate balance to strike between them? Why?
2.    Do efforts like the social media monitoring serve the common good? Why, or why not?
3.    Does the fact that the social media posts being analyzed are public impact your analysis of the use of the monitoring technology? If so, in what way(s)?
4.    Should universities not just notify students but also ask them for their input before implementing monitoring of student social media accounts? Why or why not?

B. FACEBOOK and the French Flag

1.    Was Facebook acting ethically in enabling the French flag overlay for its users? Why, or why not?
2.    What, if anything, might Facebook do differently to achieve more ethical results in similar circumstances?
3.    Were users who took advantage of the feature acting ethically? Why, or why not?