Racial Discrimination

Please answer each question/section below and create annotated bibliography for each article. Them compare the communication style of the two articles.

*Select the topic and explain why you selected that topic. Your response should be about 2 to 3 sentences. Topic: (Racial Discrimination)

*Create an annotated bibliography entry for your first article. Your response should be about 8 to 10 sentences that include the following elements:
  A description of the main purpose or goal of the article
  A description of the approach the authors took in their research

*Create an annotated bibliography entry for your second article. Your response should be about 8 to 10 sentences that include the following elements:
  A description of the main purpose or goal of the article
  A description of the approach the authors took in their research

*Describe the difference in communication style of the two articles. Your response should be about 3 to 5 sentences. Consider the following in your response:
  Do the articles reach a similar conclusion?
  Do the articles present similar information?
  Do the articles consider the role of visuals in the same way?
  Do the articles present the findings in a convincing way, and is one more effective?
  How do the tone and style of the articles compare, and what does that mean for the reader?