Final PaperPhase 3 of Final Project

 Please go through rubric cube as the rubric cube files are attached bellow.

Getting Started

In this final assignment, you will be completing the development of the compliance and governance plan for an organization. The assignment will put into a plan best practices for protecting the privacy of customers and employees and the policies being applied to the use of the internet by the organization.

Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to:

  • Examine the compliance issues for the current technology environment.
  • Explore current legislation related to the communication of data.
  • Formulate a compliance plan to meet the expectations of government and the user community.

Background Information

The following websites provide some guidance on compliance and governance planning:


Example plans:


Remember, these are examples. You are not producing a lengthy plan. Use these resources as guidance in developing your plan.


  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. You will complete the final paper in the form of a compliance and governance plan for an organization. You may use your own organization (although you must change the name for confidentiality purposes) or use a fictitious company. You may use the internet to look for examples of privacy policies and compliance and governance plans; however, the plan you develop must be in your own words. The plan must cover the issues and concerns that need to be addressed by the plan, including the following:
    1. Privacy issues of customers
    2. Protection of intellectual property your organization possesses (assume the company has some copyrighted or patented material [e.g., software] or some product)
    3. Cyberlaws that will apply to your organization
  3. The paper should be outlined as follows:
    1. Executive summary/introduction: Include the issues and concerns to be addressed by the plan. Provide four to five paragraphs introducing the plan, including the rationales for developing a compliance plan and the goals of doing so.
    2. Sections: Include sections that address each of the concerns noted above. See the bulleted points on topics the plan should cover. Provide a paragraph at the beginning of each section. Include any additional sections you believe necessary to develop a comprehensive plan.
    3. Conclusion: Provide a four- or five-paragraph conclusion to the plan. A bulleted list of recommendations would help to summarize the plan. Include suggestions for implementing the plan.
  4. The paper should be about 15 to 20 pages in length (double-spaced), and transitions between sections should be addressed.
  5. Any graphics or tables do not count toward the page count.
  6. Make sure to use 7th edition of the APA style guide where required. The paper should include credible references that are cited according to the 7th edition of the APA style guide. You may and should use research to develop your plans, but make sure to cite your sources. All written work should be your own.
    1. For questions on APA style, go to .
  7. Submit your assignment by the end of the workshop.