part two paper


In the second paper you will apply the learning in this class to write recommendations for the organization and how your proposed solutions will reduce business risks and financial damage. You will upload a draft two weeks before the final version is due in the appropriate Blackboard Discussion folder for your Group. You will review peer and instructor comments and incorporate revisions as appropriate for your final version which will be graded. You will upload the final version in the appropriate Blackboard Main Discussion area forum so everyone in the class can learn from your research. Suggested length of paper: 6-8 pages doubled spaced. There is no penalty for longer papers.


o There is a 1,500 words, minimum requirement, per paper, for this assignment, no page limit. Be sure to follow APAv7 style. Im more interested in how much you learn from conducting the research, select security technologies and craft interoperability. What you will not do is copy from a website, book, or other source and turn them in as your own work; this constitutes plagiarism. Papers found to be plagiarized are subject to loss of full credit and/or actions annotated in the Stevenson Academic Honesty Policy. Liberal use of tools such as Visio or Dia (network diagramming applications) is encouraged.
