Environmental Health


PAPER TOPIC: You may choose any biological, chemical or physical agent (physical agent being a source of ionizing or non-ionizing radiation) which presents an environmental hazard, directly or indirectly, to humans. You must describe what the agent is, the nature of the risk (e.g., exposure effects), how it moves through the environment before reaching a target host (e.g., soil, groundwater, food chain, human), and how it moves (and possibly changes) within the body following entry. Include hazard source(s) and recommendations for control measures. 

Length: 6 – 8 typed (double spaced) pages, excluding references. References must be from peer-reviewed sources in science literature. The references are to be cited within the body of the paper (numerically sequenced) and listed by its number on a separate reference page (see your text chapters for examples). 

TEXTBOOK: Essentials of Environmental Health: 3 rd Edition; by Robert Friis. Publisher: Jones & Bartlett; Year Published: 2018