healthcare administration paper (4-6 pages)

Required Readings:

Bardsley, M. (2017). Learning how to make routinely available data useful in guiding regulatory oversight of hospital care. BMJ Quality & Safety, 26(2), 90.

Chazal, R. A., & Houser, S. (2016). The ACC and AHA. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 68(24), 2708-2709.

Hut-Mossel, L., Welker, G., Ahaus, K., & Gans, R. (2017). Understanding how and why audits work: Protocol for a realist review of audit programmes to improve hospital care. BMJ Open, 7(6)

Knopf, A. (2016). 10 steps to prepare for accreditation. Behavioral Healthcare, 36(4), 24-25.

Knopf, A. (2016). Examine the trends in accreditation. Behavioral Healthcare, 36(4), 22-25.

Ornstein, C. (2017). Secret data on hospital inspections may soon become public. Washington: NPR.

Science; Study results from university hospital update understanding of quality control science (ISO 15189-accredited laboratories fulfill the JCI hospital accreditation standard requirements for the use of referral laboratories: Report of a consensus …). (2016). Science Letter, 1413.

The importance of avoiding denial of accreditation. (2016). Briefings on Accreditation and Quality, 27(9), 1-4.

The Joint Commission introduces revised pain assessment and management standard for accredited hospitals. (2017). Professional Services Close Up.

Wickersham, M. E., & Basey, S. (2016). Is accreditation sufficient? A case study and argument for transparency when government regulatory authority is delegated. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration, 39(2), 245-282.

ASSIGNMENT: After carefully reading the Module background materials, please answer the following questions in a 4- to 6-page paper:

  1. Some say that the accreditation process is a ritual that has no true value. Some say that it is a very costly affair, and that it does not truly describe a hospital’s quality level.
    1. Where lies the truth?
    2. Is it worth it?
    3. Do the advantages of being accredited outweigh the costs and efforts?
    4. Is accreditation necessary for quality care?
  2. If you were a hospital administrator, what standards do you think would be important to earn your facility accreditation?

Assignment Expectations

  • Please outline your points, and then explain them with your own added insight.
  • You must cite peer-reviewed sources and materials from the background readings in your paper.
  • APA Format