W6: Elemental Discovery and Application


There is a lot of chemistry going on all around you. If you start to observe a bit more intentionally, you will notice many new discoveries, articles, news stories, and breakthrough research happening everyday. And science can only be useful and keep moving forward if it is shared.

For this discussion, you get to explore one specific element and share the historical context and modern day application of that element with the class. Your initial post should address the following questions about the element you chose:

1. How did the element you chose get its name and who discovered it?
2. What are the properties this element possesses that places it where it is in the periodic table?
3. Write a sufficient summary of the element in common language that could be understood by the general public.
4. Describe the implications for society, benefits, drawbacks, practicality, and reactivity of the element.
5. What are some applications and hazards of this element and how is it commonly encountered?
6. Discuss your personal thoughts regarding the element.
7. Questions to your classmates that invite discussion and further the dialogue.
8. An  that is relevant to the discussion.
9. Give a that you would like to discuss, including a direct link to it that we can visit.