6.1 Discussion: Multicultural Competence (Part B)


Getting Started

Note: This is Part B of a two-week discussion forum. In the previous workshop, you made an initial post; in this workshop, you will respond to the posts of your classmates and will post a summary of your new learning. You and your classmates must pace yourselves to complete the discussion fully within the time allotted.

In the article you will read for this assignment, Huang identifies empathy, expertise, and cultural competence as key tenets for maintaining harmony in a multicultural environment. Further, effective multicultural management overcomes the unique cultural backgrounds and differences of team members to promote a productive team environment (Huang, 2015). In this discussion, you will have the opportunity to examine in detail the value of multicultural competence as a management skill.  


Huang, J. (2015). The challenge of multicultural management in global projects [Conference presentation]. 29th World Congress International Project Management Association, Westin Playa Bonita, Panama. doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2016.06.164 

Upon successful completion of this discussion, you will be able to:

  • Defend multicultural competency as a necessary skill for managerial success. 


  • Video: Geert Hofstede on the Importance of an International Perspective
  • File: The Importance of an International Perspective
  • Article: The Challenge of Multicultural Management in Global Projects
  • Article: Why #hashtags rule and how to use them properly


  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Review the video “10 Minutes with Geert Hofstede on the Importance of an International Perspective” below.
  3. Review the PowerPoint .
  4. Review “.”  https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/82155216.pdf  
  5. Review “”.     https://www.bizjournals.com/bizjournals/how-to/marketing/2014/07/why-hashtags-rule-and-how-to-use-them-properly.html
  6. By the end of this workshop, read and critically respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts.
  7. Each response should be at least 150 words.



6.2 Discussion: Long Term vs. Short Term Orientation (Part B)


Getting Started

Note: This is Part B of a two-week discussion forum. In the previous workshop, you made an initial post; in this workshop, you will respond to the posts of your classmates and will post a summary of your new learning. You and your classmates must pace yourselves to complete the discussion fully within the time allotted.

A global leader is faced with choices on a daily basis, which determine the outcome of their decisions. In a decision-making process, a global leader can either utilize long term orientation, which is the fostering in a society of pragmatic virtues oriented to future rewards in particular perseverance, thrift, and adapting to changing circumstances, or short term orientation, which stands for fostering in a society of virtues related to the past and present (Hofstede, 2015). 


10 minutes with. (2015, March 7). 10 minutes with Geert Hofstede on long versus short term orientation 01032015 [Video]. YouTube.

Upon successful completion of this discussion, you will be able to:

  • Articulate the importance of integrating a Christian worldview with global business practice.
  • Analyze the impact of cultural differences on business decision making and strategic planning.


  • Video: 10 Minutes with Geert Hofstede on Long versus Short Term Orientation
  • Video: Alexandre Havard on Virtuous Leadership
  • Video How to Identify a Good Leader – 5 Minutes with Prof. Alexandre Havard
  • Website: Hofstedes Cultural Dimensions: Understanding Different Countries
  • File: Hofstede on Long versus Short Term Orientation

Background Information




Long-Term Orientation

  • People often wonder how to know what is true. For example, questions like “What?” and “How?” are asked more than “Why?”
  • Thrift and education are seen as positive values.
  • Modesty.
  • Virtues and obligations are emphasized.
  • Behave in a modest way.
  • Avoid talking too much about yourself.
  • People are more willing to compromise, yet this may not always be clear to outsiders; this is certainly so in a culture that also scores high on PDI.

Short-Term Orientation

  1. People often want to know “Why?”
  2. Strong convictions.
  3. As people tend to oversell themselves, others will assess their assertions critically.
  4. Values and rights are emphasized.
  • Sell yourself to be taken seriously.
  • People are less willing to compromise as this would be seen as weakness.
  • Flattery empowers.

Retrieved from: Mind Tools. (n.d.). Hofstedes cultural dimensions: Understanding different countries


  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Review the following videos:
    1. “10 Minutes with Geert Hofstede on Long versus Short Term Orientation”
    2. “Alexandre Havard on Virtuous Leadership”
    3. “How to Identify a Good Leader – 5 Minutes with Prof. Alexandre Havard”
  3. Review the  PowerPoint and the chart illustrated in the “Background Information” section above.
  4. By the end of this workshop, read and critically respond to at least two of your classmates.
    1. Consider comparing and contrasting your assessment to your classmates.
  5. Each response should be at least 150 words.  



6.3 Discussion: Indulgence vs. Restraint



Getting Started

During this workshop, you will explore Hofstedes cultural dimension related to indulgence. You will then discuss the entire set of Hofstedes dimensions and advocate for what you consider as the most important societal cultural dimension. Your classmates will likely have differing viewpoints, and the resulting discussion will provide an opportunity for peer learning.  

Upon successful completion of this discussion, you will be able to:

  • Determine ways culture influences global alliances and acquisitions.
  • Analyze impacts of cultural differences on business decision making and strategic planning.
  • Gain knowledge of Hofstedes indulgence cultural dimension.
  • Articulate the importance of integrating a Christian worldview with global business practice.


  • Video: 10 Minutes with Geert Hofstede on Indulgence versus Restraint
  • File: Indulgence vs. Restraint


  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Review the video “10 Minutes with Geert Hofstede on Indulgence versus Restraint.”
  3. Examine the  PowerPoint.
  4. Reflect on your perspectives related to all six of Hofstedes Societal Cultural Dimensions.
  5. Navigate to the discussion below and post a substantive response. Your final post response should be 600700 words in length and should address parts A and B listed below:
    1. Hofstedes Societal Cultural Dimension Reflection:
      1. For an organization considering global expansion, which of Hofstedes Societal Cultural Dimensions do you consider the most important? (Choose only one.)
      2. Why did you choose this dimension?
      3. Be sure to provide research to support your position.
      4. Include a minimum of two citations from the above resources and any other resources to support your answers the following questions. For questions on APA style, go to .
    2. Global Management ReflectionReflect upon this course and develop substantive responses to the following questions:
      1. What aspect of this course has challenged you to think critically about cultural influences, global alliances, and acquisitions?
      2. What assignment was the most meaningful? Why?
      3. Discuss your personal experiences and challenges in having a biblical worldview in business decision making and strategic planning.
  6. There are no classmate responses required in this discussion.



6.4 Assignment: Infographic


Getting Started

For the past five workshops, you have systematically and strategically learned about Geert Hofstedes cultural dimensions. There are six cultural dimensions based on Hofstedes research: (1) power distance, (2) individualism-collectivism, (3) uncertainty avoidance, (4) masculinity-feminism, (5) long-term orientation, and (6) indulgence. These values or cultural dimensions help to identify and describe the cultural profile of a country and affect organizational processes. The final workshop will be a culminating infographics project that will include all six dimensions coupled with an integration of biblical principles.

Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to:

  • Examine theoretical concepts of business globalization and culture.
  • Determine ways culture influences global alliances and acquisitions.
  • Defend multicultural competency as a necessary skill for managerial success.
  • Analyze the impact of cultural differences on business decision making and strategic planning.
  • Articulate the importance of integrating a Christian worldview with global business practice.


  • Website: Canva
  • Website: How to Make an Infographic in 5 Steps Guide
  • Bible
  • Website: OCLS


  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Create an infographic using or any other graphic software.    https://venngage.com/blog/how-to-make-an-infographic-in-5-steps/
    1. Review “.”
  3. Be creative, innovative, and professional. Pretend as though you are a consultant explaining the cultural dimensions to the board of directors wanting to do business in this country. Include the following information:
    1. The country selected
    2. Cultural profile of the selected country
    3. Compare all of Hofstedes cultural value dimensions for the country selected to the United States: (1) power distance, (2) individualism-collectivism, (3) uncertainty avoidance, (4) masculinity-feminism, (5) long-term orientation, and (6) indulgence.
    4. Include a minimum of two properly cited references. For questions on APA style, go to .
  4. Incorporate a verse that describes a Christian worldview as it relates to a global management practice (e.g. empowering staff, training staff, introducing schemes for improving quality, or introducing various forms of new technology).
  5. Submit your infographic by the end of the workshop.

FYI: You could include this assignment in your professional portfolio, especially if youre interested in a global business position!