copy right


Watch the video by Legal Eagle discussing copyright through a case on YouTube, this give some good basic information about copyright:

Legal Eagle touches on DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act), which has been in the news recently when applied to Twitch. There is an article by Wired discussing some of the recent concerns from content creator have after Twitch deleted videos without any warning.

These issues are rather complicated with a lot of legal speak. However, copyright has become a frequent issue when it comes to online content. This is one area where we see that law is often a bit behind the internet and many of these early cases will set precedent on content moving forward.

What are your feelings about the case between MxR and Jukin Media? The Wired article briefly mentions the use of AI to place these copyright claims rather than human review, do you believe that is fair for content creators or would it even be possible to do any other way? Who do you believe has control or power in this situation and why? You don’t have to stick to just these questions, other thoughts are welcome too.