Computer Applications

Topic- Ransomeware

Pts. – Required Tasks

2.5 – Separate Cover Page with Title, Name, Course Name (CPS 1032), Section, and Date (Use Page Break)

2.5 – 1 Automated Footnote

2.5 – Footer with Your Name and Automatic Page Numbers

2.5 – 1st Line Indented .5 in all paragraphs

10 – Minimum of 2 Full Pages for the body of the paper (Normal Margins, Font Size 12, Line Spacing 2.0)

5 – Minimum of 2 Sources created in Word using Manage Sources with appropriate detail (e.g. need the URL for sources that are websites).

5 – 2 Automated in-text Citations using the Word Insert Citations functionality

5 – Automated Bibliography Page at the end of the document on a separate page with a Minimum of 2 Sources use Word do not use Easy Bib

15 – Quality of Term Paper well organized, covers the topic well, no grammar/spelling issues