Business Law

Research Paper on the company Uber. The topics for the paper are; (1) International business law:  Discuss how business laws differ in other countries and how that impacts your business, (2) Criminal Law:  Civil asset forfeiture, (3) negligence. 


  • Content includes your ideas as well as your research.  Clear thesis statement. (This is not a book report).
  • Organization includes external transitions (section to section) and internal transitions (paragraph to paragraph and sentence to sentence).
  • Readability means how well the paper flows. Avoid wordiness and the passive voice. Don’t start your sentences with “it is” or “there are.”
  • Grammatical correctness includes spelling and other grammar errors including subject-verb agreement.
  • This paper must be 2000 words at a minimum.  Be sure you are meeting the word count.

 The body of your paper must be a minimum of 4 full pages of text.  This does NOT include a title page, abstract, body and reference page in APA style.

 Do not plagiarize (copying or using the work of others without giving them credit). Use parenthetical references (APA style) within your paper to document all quotations, minor details (for example, statistics), and opinions that are not yours. However, do not document your own opinions. In the past, several students have copied their entire papers from the Internet. These students received a 0 on the assignment and were reported to the administration.