Please provide 2 paragraph for each question.  The questions are in bold. 

Utilizing the FITT Principle to Create Your Own Fitness Program

3. Describe the FITT prescription for cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility training

*Please note that FITT means: 

Frequency refers to the number of times per week you need to engage in particular exercises to achieve the desired level of physical fitness in a particular component.

Intensity refers to how hard your workout must be to achieve the desired level of physical fitness.

Time, or duration, refers to how many minutes or repetitions of an exercise are required at a specified intensity during any one session to attain the desired level of physical fitness for each component.

Type refers to what kind of exercises should be performed to improve the specific component of physical fitness.

Committing to Physical Activity

4. What do you do to motivate yourself to engage in physical activity on a regular basis? What and who helps you to be physically active?

Partnering and Singlehood

10. What are the different types of committed relationships? How are they different? What does it take for any kind of committed relationship to succeed?

* Please note that the different types of committed relationships are: marriage, cohabitation, or partnerships

11. What are some of the benefits of singlehood?