Assignment: Apply your leadership style

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By this point in your program and in your professional career, you should have become well-versed in the various theories that inform leadership as well as the numerous leadership styles.

For further consideration, review this resource for an understanding  of leadership theories and styles: A review of leadership theories,  principles, and styles and their relevance to educational management.

For this assignment, you will describe how you will handle a policy scenario. You may choose from one of the following based on your  professional orientation:

  • PK-12 leadership scenario: You are the leader of a local school district from any state. Describe three areas of the ESSA policy implementation and discuss how you would implement these aspects of this legislation. For each area, address the pushback that you might receive from various stakeholders in your district and note how you might react. For each area, including a leadership style, theory, or trait that would inform how you would lead on this particular issue.
  • Higher education leadership issue: You are a college president at either a large university, small university, or community college (your choice) in your state. Choose 3 issues from the following: changes in  Federal Law, sluggish state revenue growth, college affordability,  economic and workforce development, undocumented and DACA (Deferred  Action for Childhood Arrivals) students, guns on campus, state responses to population shifts, performance-based funding, and college completion,  campus free speech, or campus sexual assault and discuss how you would address each of these areas with your stakeholders. For each issue,  address the pushback that you might receive from various stakeholders and note how you might react. For each issue, including a leadership style,  theory, or trait that would inform how you would lead on this particular issue.


Length: 3-5 pages not including reference pages 

Resources: Support your paper with at least 2 scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included. 

Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the  ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.

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