managerial skills


Topic: What are the top ten managerial skills for leading organizational behavior?

     Daniel Chinn has one more task for you to do before asking you to give your final preferences for the job openings mentioned in week three. He would like you to select the top ten skills a manager needs to develop healthy employee relationships in the global business arena. Review the themes and topics from the last seven weeks, and this week’s required learning materials; consider this within the context of the learning organization. Identify the top ten skills VMI managers can develop to create or defeat the accomplishment of the two major goals an employer wants from its employees: excellent job performance and organizational commitment. In identifying the list discuss the following: 


1. By FRIDAY, complete the following:

  • Identify and justify your selections, of the five most important skills needed by a manager for enhancing job performance. Be specific about types of performance. 
  • Identify and justify your selections, of the five most important skills needed by a manager for enhancing organizational commitment. Be specific about types of commitment. 
  • Summarize why these skills are important now and in VMIs future workplace.  When considering their future workplace, what do you see as the major challenge to VMI meeting its goals of performance and commitment, and why are these selected skills the most necessary to meet the challenge?  
  • In responding to these questions, avoid simply repeating from past discussions. Instead, share that which you now understand about OB as a result of the learning that took place these two months. 
  • You must use course material to support your responses and APA in-text citations with a reference list