Discipline-Based Literature Review

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the following required sources and begin searching for scholarly articles to read to be applied to your literature review:

Please remember to keep a copy of these instructions open while you write the paper.  This will help you include all required sections.

Learning and cognition is a broad discipline. For this Discipline-Based Literature Review, you will research at least four peer-reviewed articles published within the last ten years to support your analysis of just one of the following topics. You may choose the area that is of most interest to you:

  • Operant and classical conditioning
  • Reciprocal determinism
  • The effects of modeling on learning
  • The cognitive revolution
  • The effects of self-efficacy on learning

In your analysis of your chosen topic, explain the theoretical perspectives and empirical research that are pertinent to the field of learning and cognition. This analysis should be developed robustly to support your success in completing the final project for this course.

Important: As you are writing this paper it is please note, that as a graduate student, your writing should be more developed than it was as an undergraduate. Be sure to overtly cite all information that would not be known as common knowledge in the world. Be sure to paraphrase (and cite) much more frequently than using quotation.  Avoid using a large number of quotes and avoid any quotation over 40 words in length.  Be sure to be clear and concise in your reporting of the research. When you are not sure about how to cite something, visit the Writing Center: