Technological Advancements and Job Displacement


For this assignment, you are asked to write an essay in the form of a blog about the personal and societal impacts of job displacement caused by changes in technology. Though you are writing a blog-style opinion piece, you will submit this assignment as a word document. 

Your blog should address the following questions:

  • What is the technological advancement causing job displacement? Which employees are being displaced? Be sure to support your answer.
  • Is the displacement felt primarily by one demographic or geographic group? Be sure to support your answer.
  • In your opinion (based on what you have learned), how might job displacement affect individuals and their family members?
  • In your opinion (based on what you have learned), how might job displacement affect other community members?
  • In your opinion (based on what you have learned), how might job displacement affect society?

Your completed blog must include

  • A description of the technological advancement that is causing job displacement, include one (1) external reference to support your description
  • A description of the employees who are being displaced, include one (1) external reference to support your description
  • Your opinion (analysis) based on external sources on how the job displacement might affect the individuals and immediate family members, cite and reference any sources used to support your opinion
  • Your opinion (analysis) based on external sources on how the job displacement might affect other community members, cite and reference any sources used to support your opinion
  • Your opinion (analysis) based on external sources on how the job displacement might affect society, cite and reference any sources used to support your opinion
  • A few photos to make it similar to a blog.

Be sure to use appropriate sources for the external references required for this assignment.