
Assigned material from Week 12 addresses current examples of atrocity crimes occurring in several locations, including Syria/Iraq and Myanmar/Bangladesh.  After watching the assigned lecture, GENOCIDE IN SYRIA – Professor David McCuan, PhD. (Holocaust & Genocide Lecture Series @ SSU) and reading the assigned readings (see below):

Is the Worst Yet to Come… by Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide (Canvas)
The Rohingya Crisis by Council on Foreign Relations (Canvas)
“The International Court of Justice’s Recent Ruling on the Rohingya Genocide” by Council on Foreign Relations (Canvas)
Please tell me one thing which helped you better understand the situations in Syria/Iraq and Myanmar/Bangladesh. I would also like you to share two questions you still have regarding the atrocity crimes discussed in Week 12 material.

Set up your responses as such:

(Part 1):

GENOCIDE IN SYRIA Professor David McCuan, PhD. (Holocaust & Genocide Lecture Series @ SSU) OR Is the Worst Yet to Come by Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide
Example of something that helped you better understand the situation in Syria/Iraq (limit response to 200 words)
The Rohingya Crisis by Council on Foreign Relations OR “The International Court of Justice’s Recent Ruling on the Rohingya Genocide” by Council on Foreign Relations 
Example of something that helped you better understand the situation in Myanmar/Bangladesh (limit response to 200 words)
(Part 2):

One question you still have regarding atrocity crimes related to Syria/Iraq (limit response to 150 words)
One question you still have regarding atrocity crimes related to Myanmar/Bangladesh (limit response to 150 words)