Dell case4

Use the case and SPSS data set to answer the questions below.

1a. What is the management decision problem for Dell?
1b. What is the research problem for Dell? 

2. Create one data visualization each using best practices in a frequency analysis using SPSS to illustrate the demographic profile (age, income, education and gender) associated with the respondents. Interpret the resultsstate in a sentence.

3.  Using a frequency analysis and the appropriate measure of central tendency (remember variables are properly scaled in the data file), for questions 4 and 5 using the data in the SPSS file and the questionnaire to guide you, are consumers satisfied with Dell and are they likely to recommend Dell? Interpret the resultsstate in a sentence.

4. Question 2a asks respondents what things people can do online. Are men and women (q14) different in what they do online?  What is the Null Hypothesis, Ho and what is the Alternative Hypothesis Ha?  Indicate only the areas where you can reject the Null Hypothesis. What statistical test informs your answer? Interpret the resultsstate in a sentence.

5. Question 8.13 asks respondent agreement about Dells technical support. Are men and women (q14) different in their opinion about Dells technical support? What is the Null Hypothesis, Ho and what is the Alternative Hypothesis Ha?  Can you reject the Null Hypothesis. What statistical test informs your answer? Interpret the resultsstate in a sentence.