2 pages

use this article: 


 Write about the article in 2 pages.

Introduction: Begin with a short paragraph in which you introduce the topic. You can introduce the article title and author here or in the next section of your paper.

Summary: The summary should be about 1 page long. When summarizing, do not try to discuss every part or detail of the article. Rather, present the authors main points. 

Discussion: In a third section, discuss the article. The discussion can take any number of directions. I recommend one of the following: (a) compare the information presented in the article with your previous knowledge of the issue; (b) compare the information presented in the article with ideas held by the general public about the issue; (c) use the information in the article to interpret or critique some aspect of society today; (d) discuss an issue related to the article, which the article led you to think about; (e ) critique the authors perspective by clearly stating which parts of the authors argument you disagree with or see as problematic, and presenting evidence in support of your critique; (f) if you agree with the author, express your agreement and present information or examples that support the authors argument.

Conclusion: Depending on how you end the discussion, you may or may not want to add a concluding paragraph. One way to write an effective concluding paragraph is to note the kind of research that needs to be undertaken to more fully understand the issue, highlight the importance of the issue, or link the issue to current events, national debates, or global conditions.

Reference: After completing the essay, skip a line, and then cite the article using this format: 

         Shaffer, Leah. Is a More Generous Society Possible? Sapiens, February 2, 2019. Accessed February 27, 2019 at           




Length: The paper should be two pages long. 



One-inch margins on all sides

Write your name at the top of the first page or in the header

Insert page numbers into the document

Use Times New Roman 12-point font

Do NOT use subheadings such as Introduction.

Do NOT use an extra space between paragraphs.  Your version of Word may be set up to automatically add an extra space between paragraphs. If this is the case, go into the Line Spacing menu and make sure that the spacing is Double and that you have checked the box beside Dont add space between paragraphs of the same style.