I would like you to keep this journal in a word file, which you will turn in soon enough; I don’t want it immediately.  For your first journal entry I would like a one page double-spaced response, which can be kinda informal.  For this assignment I’d like you to explain how the first couple of poems we read from Smith, Blake, Wordsworth, or Coleridge (I’d choose two of them) capture some of the values and historical realities I outlined in my lecture on Romanticism.  You can use exact quotes to support what you have to say if you like but I definitely want you to point to specific moments that manifest some of the general ideas I pointed out in the lecture.  Again, this doesn’t have to be super formal; I’m not looking for research or even citations.  For me, I’m just looking for your ability to grasp the general theories and then display how the poetry includes these ideas (feel free to reference the non-fiction prose as well, ie, “The Preface”). Like I said, don’t worry about turning it in for now


Similar to the first journal, but in this case you are to focus on the second generation Romantic poets (Shelley, Byron, and Keats).  How do their works come to represent the larger questions surrounding Romanticism (paradox, inwardness/unconscious, perception, radicalism)?  How does history fit into their works?   A page typed will be fine.  Both journals need to be uploaded AS ONE FILE