Supply Chain

INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                                    Write a short overview of the case (1 to 1/2 page)

Describe and analyze the benefits of LPTs partnership with ATMS.

(List and explain.)

Directions for the case assignment: It must include one title page (5 points) and one set of references for the entire assignment. APA style preferred (5 points). Use each of the major headings as shown. Subheadings as necessary are acceptable to give better organization to the case analysis (5 points). Answers must show command of the concepts and theory.
References are required, predominantly the textbook and lectures (10 points).  Utilize APA style and format.

Case is below.


LPT, the Liverpool-based fresh-produce terminal, has partnered with ATMS, its WMS provider, to help to bring the ATMS GlobalTrack service to market.
The ATMS STP WMS is a key part of LPTs operation, helping to optimize the receipting, warehousing and despatching operations. LPTs warehouse is a state-of-the-art, brand new, temperature-controlled facility with 5,000 locations and caters for cross docking as well as added value services. ATMSs system supports and optimizes all of these processes, including dock, yard and vessel management.
LPT needed to go one step further to provide a level of service for its customers far ahead of anything in the marketplace, states Andy Rickard, operations director of LPT. One of the reasons we selected ATMS was because of their strategy of developing their WMS to become the core of a global tracking and supply chain visibility offering in the form of GlobalTrack; were very pleasedto be one of the first companies to work with them to prove the benefits of GlobalTrack in the real world.

Stephen Cross, ex-managing director of ATMS plc, says: GlobalTrack is a hosted solution that provides improved control and visibility across the supply chain. It is designed to be exceptionally easy to use and exceptionally low cost; for instance, users can pay for system usage on a per transaction, pay as you go basis. It is fully multilingual and is supported by offices in UK, Dubai, Singapore, China and Manila. The system helps users improve the control of their import-tracking process. Order and fulfilment requirements can be logged onto the system. The system then allows producers and manufacturers, wherever they are in the world, to log their production and productivity against these orders and call-offs. A facility is then provided for remote labelling of cartons, pallets and unit-load devices. Labelling is carried out to the global GS1 standard, the barcode on each label is unique and identifies the carton, pallet or other item and its contents; the system records quality, traceability and other conformance information. Pack sizes, weights and
dimensions can also be recorded. The system can then be used to generate and share packing lists, manifests and advanced shipping information. Information can also be provided to and from customs authorities, freight forwarders and logistics providers. Pre-labelling and electronic advanced shipment notices help LPT receive stock accurately and swiftly. Any errors are alerted automatically.

The system not only assists the upstream operation but can be used downstream as well, from the point of despatch from LPT, through rewarehousing and cross-docking operations, to proof of delivery. GlobalTrack supports proof of delivery and has a remote warehouse control module that allows warehouses to be controlled with the use of hand-held terminals communicating over mobile phone GPRS networks. The system is designed for in-house and third-party use for
instance, the system is designed to allow  clients of third-party logistics providers to view their own stock and their own supply chain information and only their own. Information visible across the web includes production information, receipt and despatch information, stock status, quality control status. Documentation can be downloaded remotely. Stock call-offs
and other action requests can be entered remotely.
David Hughes, who heads up business development at ATMS, comments: We are proud to be a strategic partner of LPT. They are a highly innovative operation with a superb management team, with the dedication and focus to deliver a firstclass service from a first-class facility.
James Woodward, managing director of LPT, comments: LPT is in a unique position geographically to reduce customer costs whilst reducing their carbon footprint and now is in a unique position technologically to provide the highest levels of visibility, traceability and control.