Critical Thinking Essay: Strategic Recommendations

 I need your help for writing essay (8 pages not including the cover page and references page)

 The topic as below:

Managing the multi-business corporation to meet high performance  expectations is problematic. Publicly traded companies are pressured to  return favorable quarterly results and as corporations grow larger and  more complex, it becomes harder to manage such corporations effectively.  General Electric (GE) was once one of the most admired corporations in  the world. Today, GE is facing a much-reduced outlook. For this weeks  assignment, read the case study found in your textbook (Case 20): Restructuring General Electric.

Remember, a case study is a puzzle to be solved, so before reading  and answering the specific case and study questions, develop your  proposed solution by following these five steps:

  1. Read the case study to identify the key issues and underlying  issues. These issues are the principles and concepts of the course area  which apply to the situation described in the case study.
  2. Record the facts from the case study which are relevant to the  principles and concepts of the course area issues. The case may have  extraneous information not relevant to the current course area. Your  ability to differentiate between relevant and irrelevant information is  an important aspect of case analysis, as it will inform the focus of  your answers.
  3. Describe in some detail the actions that would address or correct the situation.
  4. Consider how you would support your solution with examples from  experience or current real-life examples or cases from textbooks.
  5. Complete this initial analysis and then read the discussion  questions. Typically, you will already have the answers to the questions  but with a broader consideration. At this point, you can add the  details and/or analytical tools required to solve the case.

Case Study Questions:

  1. Why was GE considered to be such an exemplary organization? (Discuss GEs management systems and performance.)
  2. Discuss the nature of GEs corporate portfolio under Welch and  Imelt. Did the nature of GEs portfolio under Welch and Imelt provide  superior results?
  3. If GEs portfolio mix gave superior results, why was it necessary to restructure the portfolio?
  4. Why is GEs performance no longer superior? What are the reasons  for the collapse in GEs financial performance during 2016-2018?
  5. What should be done to return GE to higher levels of performance?  Does GE need to refocus? Which businesses or products would you  recommend abandoning or divesting, if any? Does GE need to make  additional acquisitions to supplement existing GE assets?
  • Directions:– 
  • – Write an essay that  includes an introduction paragraph, the essays    body, and a  conclusion paragraph to address the assignments    guide questions. 
  • – Do not address the questions using a   question-and-answer format.    
  • –  Charts/diagrams should be labeled and can be added within the body of your paper.  
  •  – APA style should be used   
  • – Font will be: Times roman 12, and double space should be between  lines    
  • -At least 3-4 scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles will be  used as references (including the below two). 

  • Recommended Reference:   
  • Aleong, C. (2018). . Contemporary Issues in Education Research, 11(2), 5564.
  • Salwan, P., & Sharma, K. (2018). . Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 54(1), 146162.
  • Lindsay, S., Jack, G., & Ambrosini, V. (2018). . Academy of Management Learning & Education, 17(3), 241258.