In Hitler’s Germany, Jews were the primary people to be singled out for persecution, although gypsies, some Slavs, homosexuals, and people who were physically or intellectually disabled were also subject to eventual extermination under the Third Reich. I

For your third Primary Source Assignment, we’re going to look at some material from the Holocaust.  You’ll be reading 4 out of thousands of surviving documents that illustrate the utter evil, wrongness, and misery when racism and bigotry triumph over love and compassion


Once there, go to Isolation and Ghettoization, which is on the LH side.  Click on that, and read the introduction.  Then go back, and from the selection of documents, look at the following 3 entries (none are very long):

1) Identification of Jews in the General government (pg. 1)

2) Eichmann Informs the Jews About Deporting Them From Austria and About the Theresienstadt Ghetto (pg. 3)

3) Order By Fischer on the Establishment of a Ghetto in Warsaw, Oct 2, 1940 (pg. 4)

Your question is this: With all of this unbelievably horrible stuff going on, why didn’t the US step in to help?

At least 5 paragraphs sight sources