EXAM 2 promt HELPPPPPPPPP NEED it in 4 hours


Exam Number Two

This exam requires you to write an essay in response to the prompt given below. The essay should be around 1,500 words (please use 12 point font, 1 inch margins, and double spacing). Your answer should rely primarily on the material covered in the lectures, supplemented by the assigned readings.  Do not do outside research for this essay or bring in outside sources, but you may (and are encouraged to) consult and quote any of the sources (readings and/or lectures) we have used in the course so far (though please avoid directly quoting the lectures). You should work on this exam individually; do not discuss the question or your answer with any student in the class.

Please submit your essay through the Canvas website before Friday, April 9 at 11:59 pm. Late essays will be severely penalized with lost points. You must submit the essay through Canvas, and it will not be considered submitted until it is uploaded by you (technical difficulties will not excuse a late submission). For help with technical issues related to Canvas, you can use the  

Be sure you address all the questions asked in the prompt. Write your essay in response to the following prompt.

Exam Number Two Prompt:

While scholars of world politics have long emphasized its anarchic structure, there also exist clear elements of hierarchy in the international system, particularly between the rich, developed countries of the Global North and the poor, developing countries of the Global South.  The difference between the Global North and South has been institutionalized in various ways in contemporary global governance, and these two groups of states often have widely divergent views on the purpose, justice and value of different governance arrangements, a fact which often complicates the creation and implementation of effective global policies. 

Discuss how the economic and political inequalities between the North and South are manifested in three global governance regimes: the nuclear non-proliferation regime, the climate change regime, and the regime governing global development.  Your answer should consist of three parts.  In the first part, identify the different rights and responsibilities enjoyed by the North and South in all three regimes.  Then, discuss the costs and benefits that these unequal rights and responsibilities generate for the management of these three global problems. What tensions exist between the Global North and South in these regimes and how do these tensions weaken the regimes effectiveness?  Finally, suggest some possible reforms to each regime that could better address the inequities in the relationship between the North and South in the practice of global governance. Be as specific as possible in offering your recommendations.

NO outside resource 

Florida International University Credecial

ID: [email protected]

Pass: Panther1