
Europe in the Medieval period (350-1450) was overwhelmingly ruled by various monarchies. European monarchs in this period–similar to monarchs we have looked at in past modules–held absolute power, which meant that their subjects had very little recourse to challenge their decisions or actions.

However, in 1215, the wealthy Barons of England decided that their monarch–King John–was no longer fit to call ALL of the shots. So, through the use of military coercion and political savvy, the English Barons successfully challenged the King’s power and created a binding charter known as Magna Carta (“The Great Charter”). The contents of the charter changed the relationship between the English monarchy and its nobles for the remainder of the Medieval period and beyond (although this society was FAR from equal).

For your one-page paper this week, please read the contents of the Magna Carta (link provided here: Magna Carta) and answer the question: In what ways did Magna Carta challenge the power of the king?

Feel free to focus on only one of the articles. HINT: You will see that the Barons are keen to protect their (and their heirs’) rights to land, inheritance, and to uphold the power of the city of London against the King’s interference. Focusing on one of these topics in your thesis would be a great way to go. 

Rubric: Papers that receive an “A” grade will be one-page, double-spaced. They will cite both the lectures and the primary text (Magna Carta). They will have a clear structure, a strong and clear thesis statement, and demonstrate an understanding of how the Magna Carta challenged the King’s power in 13th century England.

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