1500 words 6 paragraphs

TOPIC 1: What is one of the key messages that Get Out conveys to viewers about race in twenty-first- century American society?

Passing papers need to meet all of the following bulleted criteria:
consistently argue the thesis in affirmative argument body paragraphs that have a fairly standard

sandwich or MEAL structure.

for support, use extensive textual evidence in the form of specific scenes, descriptions, or stretches of dialogue from the film, or the equivalent from the story.

to support your view or the oppositions, include at least one cited quotation from Michael Omis article In Living Color: Race and American Culture.

to support your view or the oppositions, or to define a useful term or discuss background, include a cited paraphrase from Michael Omi, Brittney Cooper (Hollywoods Post-Racial Mirage), or Matt Zoller Seitz (The Offensive Movie Clich That Wont Die).

include a chunk of embedded counterargument in a body paragraph. Bold the oppositions claim. include an MLA list of works cited (I will provide entries). Do not perform any outside research.

Often, people will write a thesis saying that Get Out sends the message of racial division (or racism, or something of that nature). Racial division is a phenomenon, not a message. I can say the same of racism. What about racial division? What about racism? What is the film saying about the phenomenon?

I also frequently see Get Out papers that merely trace parallels. For example, a paragraph might argue that the auction scene resembles slave auctions. Such a paragraph is not arguing about a message.

Other people wind up arguing something they believe about society rather than what the film is saying about society. These folks take a position on a social issue and then use movie examples to illustrate what they mean or to support their position