business social responsibility

Look at the Drucker Institute ranking of the best managed companies for 2020 ( and the accompanying article Explore the Management Top 250 – WSJ.pdf

Amazon and Facebook both dropped in their ranking from 2019. Pick one company and write a memo to the CEO and Board telling them how they could improve their standing, if you think that’s feasible. Give a recommendation (2 pts) and then be as specific as you can about HOW to do what you recommend – if the CEO accepts your recommendations, what would she/he do tomorrow?(5 points)

Be sure to look at the company’s website, and see what they say about CSR, sustainability, governance, and other factors.

For Facebook, look at

For Amazon, look at

Think about who the key stakeholders are for the company. Do your own research to see what recent developments might have impacted these ratings.

You might find this new article interesting as well. Here is a link and also the article as a PDF:

As with every assignment you submit, try to use your own words. If you copy something from another source, like the company website, those words need to be in “quotes” with a citation showing where they came from or who wrote them