Final reflective essay

Your final reflective essay should respond to this question:

What do you see as some of the main impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and related public health restrictions on community development practice?

Your essay should:

respond to one of the three essay questions
double spaced (no title page required)

be structured in typical essay format (i.e., including an introduction, thesis, discussion/support, and conclusion)

draw exclusively on course materials as evidence to support your thesis. Use of specific examples and materials is required.
not include text that is copied directly from other assignments already submitted in this course, such as from discussion posts or your CD analysis
refer to specific course materials by describing them briefly in the text of your essay; a reference list is not required
For example, you might write:
In the article on gentrification that was an optional reading in Module 9
the Global TV news clip that was part of the self-led materials in Module 6 provides an example of
in class on March 5, we talked about the concept of

Your essay may:

be written in the first-person perspective if you wish (i.e., I)
be written informally, focused on your reflections on your chosen topic and course (supported by course materials)