Nursing 110


 Case Study for In-Class Concept Map 

Mr. RT, is a 32-year old admitted to your short-term rehabilitation unit after a hospitalization for a bike crash during a triathlon competition. He had a closed head injury and was in a coma for 14 days. He is now alert and oriented to person, place, day and time. He also fractured his right femur and tibia and right radius. His leg fracture has been repaired and he wears a brace to keep it aligned until it completely heals. His right arm fracture has a fiberglass cast on it from the hand to the elbow. He can bend his elbow. He can propel self in the wheelchair.

He has an order for no weight bearing on the right leg. He also has an order for Percocet every four hours for pain. He tells you I cant believe they put me here with a bunch of old people. What will my girlfriend and friends think? 

His vital signs are:  Temperature 98.2o F, heart rate is 68 and regular, respirations are 16 and regular, blood pressure is 110/72. He states is pain is an 8 on the numeric scale.