Chapter5 assignment


Ch.5 Assignment 

Watch Subaru commercial:

Discuss why this Subaru commercial was successful campaign. Use concepts you learned in this chapter.

Write 2-3 paragraphs.

Grading Rubric


Outstanding / Good

70-79%  Proficient


0 – 59%      Below Expectations

Critical Thinking

     rich in content

     full of thought, insight, and analysis

     substantial information

     thought, insight, and analysis has taken place

     generally competent

     information is thin and commonplace

     rudimentary and superficial

     no analysis or insight is displayed

Assignment Objectives

clear statement of factors addressing assignment objectives

     factors / statement are alluded to, not really clear or too obvious

     limited, if any factors / statement included

     vague generalities

     no factors / statement are included,  off topic


     few grammatical or stylistic errors

     several grammatical or stylistic errors

     obvious grammatical or stylistic errors

     errors interfere with content

     obvious grammatical or stylistic errors

     makes understanding impossible