
Drawing on both of this week’s readings, explain in what way the cases of Yolande and her immigration to the US via Guantanamo and the case of Jesus, who went from Cuba to Congo and back to Cuba, talk about structural violence. Although both tested HIV positive, they had access to different resources, political and health systems. In order to fully answer the question for this essay, you will need to provide an analysis of the different health systems and rationales (i.e. cost-effectiveness of treatments; health outcomes, etc.), used in the Haitian, US and Cuban contexts. From Farmer you can draw on specific context details. From Crisp, you can make use of the many examples he presents and analysis of different approaches. Aim for a comparison and contrast of at least two similarities and two differences between the systems to build your paper (and argument). 

Note: This is how should you format your paper:

  1. Give a title to your paper (i.e. “Week One Paper”; “Understanding Global Health”; ext.) 
  2. Length: 2-page long, not including List of References, which you need to add at the end (see syllabus for more details). 
  3. Double-space text with Times New Roman font size 12.
  4. Personal Details: ALWAYS include your full name and student number in your weekly papers.
  5. Remember to demonstrate that you have carefully and thoroughly done the required readings. ALWAYS acknowledge your sources in-text AND in the List of References at the end (see syllabus for more detail).