We can no longer ignore the growing vegan movement, because ( than 3 key words )

– with attention grabber a bridge and the thesis statement
THESIS STATEMENT IS : we can no longer ignore the growing vegan movement, because ( it is time for us to change ourselves in order to help our planet )
( ) is an example could be anything else.

3 body paragraphs:
1st and 2nd body paragraph:
– Topic sentence
– First example + explanation
– Second example + explanation
3rd body paragraph
– topic sentence counter argument
– first example and explanation to DISPROVE the counter argument
– second example and explanation to disprove the counter argument
– refutation counter argument ( way to strengthen my own claim)

– transition
– reword thesis – a restatement of the thesis
– a summary of my main arguments.
– a closing statement the clincher

around 500 words
add the used links or resources
last year of high school