Report of Airbnb Marketing models

A min 8-page report with min 15 references. At least 5 pages min to recap your personal findings,  3 pages for Your Plan and Priorities.

1. Conduct an introduction of the company by using a 7ps marketing model. 

And then refine your Selected Marketing Model for your chosen company by using a SOSTAC Planning Strategy Model.

2. Use the RACE Maturity Digital Marketing Excellence

3. Appy RACE Model(Use Table, Figure, Race Strategy Framework) 

4. What are the domains of the tools ( not the technical tools) you will use for your company  

(Such as Social Media Listening, CRM and Campaign Management) following the RACE? 

5. Use the Content Marketing or the Content Distribution Matrix 

6. Marketing planning Hierarchy ( Your Action Plan). You can mention models application  

timeframe inside the Planning. You will do a (DRIP, or AIDA)