Application of Theory

5 pages


Find and review the following article:

  • Meja-Villa, A., & Alfaro-Tanco, J. (2017). Action research projects: One step ahead in the researcher-practitioner relationships. Working Papers on Operations Management, 8, 191-203.
  • Ballantyne, D. (2004). Action research reviewed: A market-oriented approach. European Journal of Marketing, 38(3), 321-337.
  • Explain the theory and practice of AR and AI and how it generates new knowledge for the system and why this is so important. Include at least 5 different sources, cited properly.
  • Explain the philosophy and theory of process consultation (PC) and how PC emphasizes the helping relationship. Include at least 3 different sources, cited properly.
  • Explain the philosophy and practice of appreciative inquiry. Discuss why dialogue is such an important aspect of AI. Include at least 3 different sources, cited properly.

To help you, think through the following questions:

  • In an action research project, there may be many, many cycles of action research (AR). Why is this so?
  • When speaking of action research, what does the term iterative mean in practice? 
  • How does the iterative nature of AR support the success of a long-term AR project that includes many cycles?
    • The answer to this question is one of the most important things you must know as a practitioner of AR.
  • Why is the generation of knowledge such an important aspect of AR?
  • What is systems theory?
  • How does systems theory apply to AR?
  • How does systems theory apply to AI?
  • How does systems theory apply to PC?
  • Describe and define socio-technical systems theory.
  • What is an open system? Provide an example
  • What is a closed system? Provide an example.