Writing Assignment- Reconstruction: America After the Civil War

 Your assignment is to write an essay on the PBS documentary Reconstruction: America After the Civil War (Hour 1: stop at 56:00). (Video link) https://youtu.be/97JqxwjTuf8

as you watch this documentary and discuss three (3) of the five aspects as they are shown in the documentary: (1) Multiple Accounts and Perspectives; (2) Analysis of Primary Sources; (3) Sourcing; (4) Context; and (5) Claim-Evidence Connection. You will also explore the main ideas in the documentary and answer the following questions: The changes made during Reconstruction secured equal citizenship rights for African Americans.  How did Reconstruction change the meaning of freedom? What major changes happened in the lives of African Americans and in the South in general as a result? Use the evidence presented in the documentary to support your claim. Your essay will be graded on how well you (1) answer the questions posed; (2) develop a clear thesis statement and support it with evidence; (3) explore historical thinking in your essay; (4) use proper citation; and (5) use good English grammar and spelling to develop clear writing.

You must also cite your sources using 

The assignment has five goals: you will (1) develop basic research citation skills; (2) identify primary sources; (3) analyze historical documentary for information; (4) synthesize information from primary and secondary sources to inform historical writing; and (5) communicate ideas in writing using clear prose that incorporates correct grammar and spelling

video and look for three (3) aspects of historical thinking as you watch the documentary. Write a detailed essay discussing these three aspects and answering the above questions.  You must use standard essay format (minimum of introductory paragraph with a strong thesis statement, at least three supporting paragraphs, and a strong concluding paragraph).

Plagiarism Tutorial: This must have been completed BEFORE you turn in the essay.  You must have sent the results to my email address. This counts 100 points towards your writing grade.

Topic: Reconstruction: America After the Civil War

Due date: Wednesday, December 9, 2020. E-Learning students will upload the essay on Canvas by 11:59 PM on Wednesday, December 9. DO NOT EMAIL THIS ASSIGNMENT TO ME!!!

Length: 750-1000 words (3-4 pages) double spaced, including cover page and bibliography page

Format: Times New Roman, 12 point, one inch margins, double spaced, cover page with bibliography page

Citations: , including a properly formatted bibliography page.

Sources: The documentary and your textbook ONLY.

Plagiarism will result in you being reported to Dean of Students for academic dishonesty! Late assignments will not be graded!