

Read the following news post: Reflect on this post considering the three fundamental duties of a board of directors mentioned in our online textbook Governing Corporations. Answer the following questions: 

What are the three fundamental duties of the members of a board of directors outlined in our online textbook Governing Corporations? Name each duty and provide a brief definition. 

Which of the three fundamental duties outlined in Governing Corporations do you believe the investors felt the Boeing Board of Directors violated? Why? Support your answers with information from our online textbook. 

Do you agree with the Boeing investors assertions? Why or why not? Support your answer.

Note that this essay will be graded through TurnItIn and must be IN YOUR OWN WORDS. It should consist of approximately 250-300 words. Your essay should be in business report format:  single spaced, 12 pt. font, one-inch margins, i.e. formal business writing with proper grammar and punctuation. You should include appropriate parenthetical citations and a Works Cited page in APA style. Note that for business report format, paragraphs should not be indented and there should only be double spaces between paragraphs.