TH:Practice I Individual Assessment

Please see the attached Rubric to complete this assignment 

Part 1: Practice I Individual Assessment

The assessment is to be done in narrative format, using the major 6 headings to distinguish between the sections of the assessment (Use these headings in your assessment to make it easy to read). The narrative format is using complete sentences and all aspects of good writing as delineated below. You are to include all information that you consider relevant to the individuals presenting problem(s) and strengths/resources. The length of the assessment should be long enough to do the job, but also concise and focused on both the problem(s) and strengths/resources with a concluding summarization. 

Identifying Information:

1.) Name of individual:

2.) Address:

3.) Phone: 

4.) Date of birth/age:

5.) Gender:

6.) Marital /Relational Status:

7.) Sexual Orientation:

8.) Occupation / Employer:

12.) Other (important identifying data):

Presenting Problem/Referral information:

This section is written in narrative form and should be a succinct, but comprehensive, reporting of the individuals perception of the problem. You should include the duration, severity and frequency of the problem(s), antecedent conditions and consequences of the problem(s), and the individuals prior attempts to cope with the problem(s). 

Description of the Individual and his/her Environment:

The subsections of this category are written in narrative form. It includes data gathered from the individual, information from the eco-map, observations of the individual, and the students interpretation of the significance of this information to the individuals presenting problem. Quote where appropriate, be specific and factual. Make sure your interpretation of the situation is based on observation and facts rather than your personal speculation.

  • Individual      (micro) System:  Included here are observations of the individuals physical and emotional (affect) presentation at the interview; general impressions of the individuals intellectual and mental functioning (reality testing, etc.); the individuals reported present physical health; use of alcohol and drug use/abuse; current physical, sexual, emotional abuse; and present risk of suicide. Document information in all areas above justifying the presence or absence of the condition.

Family/Household Social (mezzo) System: Describe the composition of the individuals family or household, and the quality of the relationships between members. Based on the individuals statements, provide your interpretation of the family/household membership functioning. [Include Geno-gram]

  • Individuals  Ecological (macro) System: The individuals social environment should be described, as this is related to available resources and deficits of resources to maintain or enhance their well-being. The narrative should focus on the individuals home, neighborhood, and community with an emphasis on the support services/resources, and social supports that are available to the individual in dealing with the problem. [Include Eco-map] 

Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual History:

Several subsections are a part of this category. You should respond to the information required in each section. You are to use a narrative format that offers an explanation of the individuals situation. Include the information that is relevant to the presenting problem. Explore the ways in which the individual coped, both positively and negatively, with significant events in their life. 

  • Developmental  History: Use a life span perspective to interpret the quality of their passage through the life span.

Family of origin history, marital/partner history, children

  • Deaths of significant others, serious losses
  • History of violence, abuse and victimization
  • Instances of oppression and discrimination
  • History of alcohol and or use/abuse of other substance
  • Medical/physical/psychiatric history: Include major medical and psychiatric conditions, suicidal history, patterns of illness and hospitalizations; the significance of illness, and medical/physical conditions to individual.
  • Legal history: Felony and misdemeanor arrests and  convictions; legal judgments (bankruptcy, child custody, etc.)
  • Education: Include not only the highest educational level achieved, but describe the individuals perception of his/her academic abilities.
  • Employment/unemployment: include level of financial status
  • Recreational/past time activities
  • Religious/spiritual background
  • History of psychological and social services

Strengths and Resources:

Give an in-depth description of the individuals strengths and resources both from the past and the present. Discuss how the individuals strengths might have deteriorated or developed over time and why. Also, reveal what strengths have remained intact. It will help to review the five (5) types of questions Kirst-Ashman discusses in Highlight 2.5 on page 79 of the Understanding Generalist Practice text when writing about the individuals strength and resources. 

Initial Assessment Summarization:

This section is the most critical part of the initial work with the individual. It is formulated as a succinct narrative statement that combines the theoretical and conceptual knowledge base about human behavior with data about the individual. You will interpret the data provided by the individual to determine what are the individuals problems and strengths in order to start the process of bringing satisfactory resolution to their situation.

Included in this section are: 

1. A restatement of the presenting problem; additional problems, identified from the interview, that bear on the presenting problem

2. Relevant aspects of the individuals bio-psycho-social-spiritual history that influence the existence or resolution of the problem.

3. Personal, social and community resources, and support systems available to the individual and, resources (personal – environmental) that need to be developed to increase the individuals capacity to resolve the problem at a level that is satisfactory to the individual.

Part 2: Practice I Individual Assessment: CONTRACT (25 points)

For the Contract, identify one Goal with at least two Objectives and two Action Steps per Goal. There can be flexible with the number of objectives and action steps defined as you individualize your contract to the individuals situation. You can plan too little or too much, so remember to start where the individual is and move from there in baby steps. Use the information in the Understanding Generalist Practice text to guide your goal-setting process.

Based on your assessment of the individual, discuss the broadly stated goals for social work services and how they derived from the individuals problems. Give an explanation for how you chose your intervention strategy. Discuss each objective in such a way that they are specific and measurable. Next, describe what action steps are needed in order to work toward achievable objectives.


List (1) primary individual problem

Translate the problem into an individual need

Select a Strategy 

Goal #1

Objective #1

Action Step 

Who? Will do what? By when? How to measure success?

Action Step 

Objective #2

Action Step 

Action Step