Butanedioic Acid Production Cost Analysis 2021

Butanedioic acid, commonly known as succinic acid or amber, is a water-soluble, colourless crystal. It is a dicarboxylic acid comprised of four carbon atoms. It is used as a feedstock chemical for the production of high value products, including 1,4-butanediol, tetrahydrofuran, adipic acid, etc. It can also be used as a food additive and is a precursor to some polyesters and resins. Procurement Resource provides an in-depth cost analysis of Purified Butanedioic Acid production. The report incorporates the manufacturing process with detailed process and material flow, capital investment, operating costs along with financial expenses and depreciation charges. The study is based on the latest prices and other economic data available. We also offer additional analysis of the report with detailed breakdown of all cost components (Capital Investment Details, Production Cost Details, Economics for another Plant Location, Dynamic Cost Model).