Dicussion board week 12

For this prompt, were exploring how the zine and Depo Diaries offer forms of storytelling and working with evidence that can be medicinal for people and communities that have been disempowered. If youre a Responder, Id like you to 

  1. describe one example from the zine and one example from Depo Diaries and 
  2. discuss how the use of evidence or a story shows the impact of material structures (such as the healthcare system, the media, or the government) on individual experiences / individuals’ lives.

Participation Extra Credit – up to 2 points

Lets continue thinking about medicinal histories with Aurora Levins Morales! To give us a chance to keep thinking about the characteristics of medicinal histories that Morales discusses, you have two options for extra credit this week. Please select one:

  1. You can identify a characteristic from Moraless essay, explain in your own words what it is and how it works, and then explain how an example from Depo Diaries or the zine demonstrates this characteristic. 
  2. You can also explore the power of imperial histories or official records. To do this, describe an example from Depo Diaries or the zine and explain how it reflects the impact of the way truth is written by those with social power.

If you want to complete extra credit, please create a new post and type Extra Credit at the top of the text box.