Nursing Literature Review, Critical Appraisal, Evidence-based practice, and Implications


Article : Ma, Y., Yang, J. Y., Peng, X., Xiao, K. Y., Xu, Q., & Wang, C. (2020). Which probiotic has the best effect on preventing Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea? A systematic review and network meta-analysis. Journal of Digestive Diseases, 21(2), 6980.

1. Literature Review Provide the key terms used to guide a search for evidence and discuss at least five (5) summaries of relevant, credible, recent, evidence-based research studies to support the project proposal.

2. Critical Appraisal of Literature Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the evidence, what is known from the evidence and what gaps in evidence were found from the appraisal of evidence-based research studies.

3. Develop an EBP Standard Describe two to three interventions (or a bundle of care) from the evidence and discuss how individual patient preferences or the preferences of others will be considered.

4. Implications Summarize the potential contributions of the proposed project for nursing research, education, and practice.

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