Human Resource Management Systems

Project report

Page number will include

The project is due on the last week of class

Each individual group will submit their own project report electronically on canvas, and a hard copy in class.

Below is the project outline to follow. For more information, look into the book and dont hesitate to ask the professor.

Page 1

Project name
Leaders name
Contributors/team members
Page 2

Project profile
Who is the company
What is the project about?
For instance, develop a payroll of 500

Page 3

Objective of the project
To get individual payslip
Having deduction
Attendance/ clock-in and clock-out
Page 4

Basic project plan more illustration is in the book
Sketch it out before working on it
Page 5 equipment

Amount of hours
Who do we hire?
Page 6 is it feasibility

Project feasibility economic, time period
Page 7

Cost benefits analysis
Page 8

Data flow diagram
Page 9

event relationship diagram
events are composed of entity
Entity (EVENT) relationship diagram.
income schedule of salary
page 10

structure system requirement



page 11 role and design

Human Resources design and process
page 12

network planning
build a good connection

page 13

network diagram
we can use a picture from the internet but it has to be modified

page 14

data based design
page 15

object oriented analysis
page 16

advantages of the project
page 17

disadvantage of the project
page 18

practical implementation
page 19

prototype of the project
page 20

final project
page 21

plan of implementations
page 22
