CPU Scheduling computing the average response time and througput in FCFS SJF MultiLevel FB


As discussed in the class, please finish the three functions:

(1) public static void FCFS(List<Process> ready_q)                 (20%)

Complete it by computing the average response time and througput.  

(2) public static void SJF_preemptive(List<Process> ready_q)        (40%)

Complete this function by using shortest job first algorithm in preemptive mode. You need to compute the average waiting time, average response time and throughput and print them out.

      – Processes are executed in the correct order (25%)

      – Correctly print out the average waiting time, average response time and throughput. (15%)

(3) public static void multiLevel_FB(List<Process> ready_q)          (40%)

Complete this function by using multi-level feedback algorithm. You need to compute the average waiting time, average response time and throughput and print them out.

      – Processes are executed in the correct order (25%)

      – Correctly print out the average waiting time, average response time and throughput. (15%)