Source: Research article:
Ishtiaq Ahmad Bajwa, 2019 vol:23 issue:5, Assessment of credit risk management of Saudi banks.
Go through the attached research paper and answer the following questions. (Answer should be approximately in 1200 words.)
1. Discuss Exposure of Saudi banks to credit risk (1.5 marks)
2. As per the article do you think that Saudi banks capital adequacy is sufficient to meet the Basel III requirement? Discuss your points (1.5 marks)
3. The researchers of the paper have applied financial ratio analysis to analyze 12 Saudi banks. Suggest the researchers any other approach/method to measure credit risk and discuss why this method should be used? (2 marks)
4. In the light of present COVID pandemic, which has liquidity impact on Saudi economy, discuss on the basis of your understanding of Saudi financial system, strength and weakness of Saudi banks to fight the upcoming challenges. (2 marks)
Deadline: April 15 at 11:15 P.M KSA Time