A Summation of Exemplary Management/Leadership Affecting the Healthcare Industry

A Summation of Exemplary Management/Leadership Affecting the Healthcare Industry

Throughout the semester, each student is encouraged to read healthcare related news from a reputable news source (i.e. New York Times or Wallstreet Journal).  Each student will look out for news articles (must be a news article) that addresses a topic relating to a management/leadership example in the healthcare industry.  Next, each student will classify the leadership example according to one or more of the theories or schools explained in the textbook.  The requirements of the paper is outlined below.

To access the New York Times Wallstreet Journal and other news digitally, visit this website: https://library.edu/business_cba/biznews (Links to an external site.)

For the final paper:

1. Each student is responsible for reading a reputable news source (i.e. the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Healthcare IT News, Washington Post, etc.) throughout the entire semester.  Article must be from 2015 or newer.

2. Each student is responsible for saving the article or articles found that addresses a topic relating to a management/leadership example in the healthcare industry. Each student must find two examples in healthcare management.  The articles can be either positive or negative examples of management/leadership in healthcare. Then, the students will need to cover the following items:

-Provide background knowledge of the articles selected
-Justify and explains how it is either a negative or positive example of management/leadership in healthcare
-Each student then will classify each example of leadership according to one or more the theories or schools of management/leadership exemplified in the course text book.

3. Lastly, each student will then select a leadership example in another industry (i.e. airline, car manufacturer, education, etc.) and explain if those strategies can be applied to the healthcare industry.

Paper requirements

Reference the article title and source in your paper in APA format
Articles must be from a news source (local or national)  and NOT a journal article
3-4 pages in length
Have a cover page with the individuals name, title of assignment, and due date of assignment
Typed, using 12 point font, Times New Roman
Double spaced with 1 margins all around
Page numbers in the top right corner of all pages except cover page.
Use an APA format for citations and references. Make sure you give proper credit to the sources you are using. Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated.
Have a list of references in correct format at the end of the paper
Be error free make sure you do a spell-check/grammar-check before submitting!