Any topic (writer’s choice)

What is intersectionality, and should it be applied as a theoretical basis for liberatory
What is this question asking and what is the potential scope?
Firstly, introduce and explain intersectionality.
o But your essay introduction should only very briefly introduce intersectionality
without detail. Save the details for paragraph 2.

Secondly, the question is asking you to take a position on whether or not intersectionality
should be applied as a theoretical basis for liberatory practice ! This is a thesis
The focus for intersectionality is the work of Crenshaw (and maybe also earlier bell
hooks work, and maybe also Cooper?).
The focus for theory as liberatory practice is the work of bell hooks.
o Why is she arguing that theory and practice are or should be synonymous?
o Why is she arguing that theory and practice should be liberatory?
o Note that the word should is a normative term, based on a value judgement or
moral judgement. Hence this question gives you the opportunity to make a
strong thesis statement an either / or argument (should or should not)
discussion. And then you need to back up your thesis statement with the
subsequent discussion: If so, why? If not, why not?
o Even if you think that any kind of feminist theory or specifically, intersectionality
theory should be applied as a theoretical basis for liberatory practice, you
might also want to reflect on possible problems, implications, unresolved
issues etc. towards the end of your essay (maybe in the conclusion, but after
summarizing your essay and argument). For example, considering that hooks was
applying her theory and practice argument to teaching/education, does this make
education less neutral and balanced ! Does it matter, and can education ever
be neutral anyway?