Chapter 4

Use below structure 

(15 points) to organize your visually appealing (2 points), 5-minute-digital narration (1 point), using your own voice to tell a cross-cultural story of societal importance in a creative way (2 points):

  1. Cover Slide: Your Name, Unique Project Title, Course Name (Number) + Instructor Name (1 point)
  2. Introduction: Describe a relevant cross-cultural psychology concept (topic focus) and draw the attention of the audience (2 points)
  3. Background Knowledge: Provide important background knowledge (current facts, stats, theory, etc.) on the subject matter (e.g., cross-cultural miscommunication, happiness across cultures, perception of mental disorders, education systems in comparison, etc.). Use the textbook to describe the theory, concepts, etc. (2 points)
  4. Dilemma: Specify the dilemma/controversy of your chosen topic (2 points)
  5. Focus: Define the purpose of your presentation. Why is this topic important? Why should we listen to you? (teaching moment) (2 points)
  6. Discussion: Discuss and provide evidence of how the topic was studied/evaluated, etc. (e.g., miscommunication, misunderstanding that you might encounter as a professional in a multicultural society) (2 points)
  7. Solution: What has worked based on scientific findings? E.g., how can you mitigate cross-cultural miscommunication and bring more understanding and cultural engagement into your professional/personal endeavors/ future diverse workplace? (2 points)
  8. References: List any references you used, including the textbook. A minimum of three scholarly articles published after 2010 is mandatory. (2 points)

Suggested Topics for Final Digital 

Cross-Cultural Research Presentation

1.Is the Expression of Happiness Universal? (Chapter 6: Emotion)

2.Cultural Universal and Differences in Sexuality (Chapter 7: Motivation & Behavior)

3.Parenting Styles in Western and Non-Western Cultures (Chapter 8: Human Dev& Socialization)

4.Potty Training Across Cultures (Chapter 8: Human Development & Socialization)

5.View on Depression Across Cultures (Chapter 9: Psychological Disorders)

6.Cross-cultural View on Beauty and Body (Chapter 10: Social Perception & Cognition)

7.Leadership in International Business (Chapter 11: Social Interaction)

8.Cultural Sensitivity When Working with Immigrants (Chapter 11: Social Interaction)