Mental Illness Discussion


What are your thoughts on the pharmaceutical companies practice of directly advertising to the general public through print and television media? Do you think this influences how mental illness is perceived and treated? What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a practice? Provide at least one good paragraph and be sure to check your work for spelling and grammatical errors.

Respond to 2 other student’s posts.  Your responses should be at least a paragraph and not just “I agree”.  Points will be deducted for limited work.

1- the first response 


I think that the commercialization and advertising of prescribed medications is a double edged sword. On one hand, the use of advertising adds to the already astronomical cost of healthcare. On the other hand, it shows people that they have options, and makes people aware of various treatment options and side effects. Some medication commercials discuss symptoms and illnesses that would require the medications, and that allows a potential patient to realize that they may have something they need to talk to their doctor about. 

I think that commercials have to “dress up” mental illness for their commercials, which can lead to misperceptions about the illnesses, but this is standard when it comes to advertising solutions to medical issues. If nothing else, advertising can start a much needed conversation between provider and patient, or patient and support group. 

2- the second response 

I will get it ready tomorrow